The Liebster Award

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Hello my awesome people! It’s me and I have a special blog for you today cause as you can tell from the title of this post, I got nominated for the Liebster Award by the amazing Aqsa from Aqsa Says What? This girl is amazing and you should definitely go check out her blog because she’s so amazing and optimistic and just purely awesome and I’m so grateful for this nomination, so thanks so much Aqsa! 🙂 ❤️

So the rules for this award are as follows:

  1. Acknowledge blog who nominated you and display award
  2. Answer 11 questions the blogger gives you
  3. Give 11 random facts about yourself
  4. Nominate 11 blogs
  5. Notify them of the nomination
  6. Give them 11 questions to answer

So now I’m gonna answer the questions Aqsa gave me to answer:

1.) Who is your inspiration?

I’m inspired by a large amount of people. I’d say most of my family members and people who made a difference in the world like Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela and also Michelle Obama. Honestly, I love Michelle because not only is she mentally (and definitely physically) strong but she is so fun, motivational and inspirational. It’s so sad that she and Barack had to leave the Whitehouse. 😦  But not only this, but she was the first black Flotus (first lady) which basically shows how you can make a difference no matter what colour or gender you are or where you’ve come from. Gotta love Michelle! 🙂

2.) What are your favourite hobbies?

I love singing, writing and listening to music, blogging, producing artwork and watching YouTube videos. But DON’T forget about eating! 🙂

3.) What’s your favourite colour?

My favourite colour’s cobalt- it’s like a mix of blue and purple but more on the blue side- but some of my other favourite colours include turquoise, aqua marine, coral and mint green.

4.) What is your favourite season?

I really like Autumn cause my birthday ‘s in it but I really like the weather when it’s like mid September and you can wear anything but I also secretly like the period when it gets dark at like 4pm. 😉

5.) If you had a week left to live, what would you do?

I would tell the people I love that I love them, apologise to any people I’d feel like I need to, try to make myself known or make a difference in my school, sing some of my songs in either school or public and just try to fit all the things I wanna do in the future in one week.

6.) If you had a superpower, what would it be?

I really wanna have telekinesis cause I’m a lazy ass person who doesn’t like getting up so it would really be handy to have my mind get faraway things for me. I could also play pranks on other people and if someone tries to run away from me, I’ll pull them back with my mind and deal with them:


7.) Where do you want to travel to?

I really wanna go to North America and by God’s grace we are in August and I’m soooo excited for it. We’re gonna got to different states and also Canada and if you guys have been reading my blogs for a while and know me really well, then you would know that I reallyyy wanna go to Canada cause I love that country soooo much! 🙂

8.) What’s your favourite ice cream flavour?

I love cookies and cream, cookie dough, mint chocolate chip, chocolate chip and strawberry cheesecake 🙂 ❤

9.) What is your favourite song?

Some of favourite songs include:

Carry You Home by Zara Larsson

Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) by Hillsong

Kindly Calm Me Down by Meghan Trainor

Thank You by Meghan Trainor

Water by Pentatonix

If I Ever Fall In Love covered by Pentatonix

Sometimes by Ariana Grande

10.) What do you want your legacy to be?

I wanna be known as the young girl who made a difference in the world by showing her talents and showing that anything is possible. I want to make the younger generation love poetry and writing more in general, because to be honest, most young people don’t enjoy writing and pretty much hate it and I think that should change.

11.) What made you start blogging?

As some of you guys may know, the blog was actually originally for an English assignment and while others lost interest, I continued to do it because I really enjoyed it and it really helped me enjoy writing more than I already do. It’s honestly so satisfying and just writing my feelings down in poetry form and posting them on Waves of Awesomeness really helps calm myself down and get rid of the stress. Just knowing that I’m appreciated by other people in the world who may or may not relate with how I’m feeling just makes me feel so happy about myself because as we all know, the blogging community is awesome!

Thanks to Aqsa again for nominating me for this award and also apologies for this being posted soooo late cause I started writing the draft for this post before I got banned so I didn’t get to finish this until now.

Now time for the nominees.

I nominate:

Pooja G

Cassiie Girl


Wormal Blog

Masumah Jannah

Paul Green




Jirah Merizz

Questions for Nominees:

  1. Would you rather own a bakery or a candy shop?
  2. Do you prefer drawings or paintings?
  3. Would you rather live in area that’s always hot or always cold?
  4. Who are your favourite bloggers and what is/ are your favourite post(s) from them?(I don’t have to be one of them 😉 )
  5. Who are your favourite YouTubers?
  6. Who are some of your favourite authors?
  7. Describe your blog in an advert style
  8. What is/ was your favourite topic to study in History?
  9. What type of phone do you have?
  10. What would you change about your life?
  11. If you were president/ mayor/ royalty, what would you do or change about your area/ county/ country?

So that was all the questions and nominees! I really hope you guys enjoyed that post and sorry again that it was posted late. Thanks again to that amazing Aqsa for the nomination! You guys should really check out her blog because I guarantee you, it is full of pure awesomeness.

Make sure to like, comment and follow my blog Waves of Awesomeness and don’t be scared to check out my other blogs, it would really be great! 🙂

Peace out and stay awesome 🙂

~ ES Ordinary xx

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